As part of our continuous business improvement strategy, we continue to evaluate how we deliver the ‘Health& Safety File’ and have taken the opportunity to review our current procedures to ensure they are consistent with the CDM regulations and best practise.
As a result of our latest evaluation, we have identified several key areas where we can improve the quality and effectiveness of the document and the format in which they are compiled.
To ensure the purpose of the H&S File is not diluted or confused with other equally important documents, we have realigned the content for collating and gathering information to ensure that anyone carrying out any subsequent work on the building has all relevant documentation to plan and deliver any future work safely and without risk to health.
We are therefore introducing three separate tabs within the Health & Safety File Tracker document:
If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact a member of Baily Garner (Health & Safety) Ltd.