As part of the initiative to get employees safely back to work and put the economy back on its feet the government is offering rapid testing kits to businesses who employ at least 50 staff.
Baily Garner (Health & Safety) Ltd would love to see lateral testing kits rolled out across the construction sector and particularly for SMEs who would benefit from the government support. As a small practice we shall need to purchase the lateral testing kits at our own expense but we believe this is the correct approach to protect our staff and protect others.
There are a number of other initiatives being rolled out such as a digital health passport by major city firms also with the same goal. All of these schemes demonstrate the importance to return to some sense of normality as soon as it is safe to do so. We believe there will be a vast take up and support from wider industries for these campaigns in order to restore business and public confidence.
With the benefit of lateral testing, our hope is to re-open our office in Shad Thames at some point during May and offer our staff a safe and welcome change of scenery and new flexibility going forward.
We would encourage our clients and partners to spend a couple of minutes to click on the following links and explore which initiatives might suit your business and support the government’s campaign to get everyone safely back to work.
Please click on the link below to download a pdf version of this article to share with your colleagues.